Do important things

do yourself

You are the blacksmith of your happiness.


Become the kind of yourself who is able to realize your dreams and desires. Become the kind of yourself in the future who will achieve everything that you want in the present. Grow and build yourself thoughtfully and methodically.

Feeling that you have the right to education, success and are worthy of your goals and aspirations is very important in order to become who you want. You can achieve your goals, but for this you must believe that you are worthy of them. No matter where you are now and what your past was, you should forgive yourself for past failures and disappointments and feel that you deserve success. Don’t just know that you deserve success – feel it!

Creating a personal strategic plan involves a complete inventory of all the resources and abilities that you currently have. Then add the abilities and resources that the future you have. As soon as you identify gaps in your knowledge and experience, you will be able to focus on those areas that you personally consider a priority and catalyze the acquisition of the necessary skill sets. The future you will still have all the knowledge, talents and skills that you possess today. But in order to achieve your future goals, you will need to develop existing and acquire new knowledge, talents and skills. Make your own strategic plan that will show you the vector of development for the implementation of your goals.

Regardless of whether you have recently started thinking about your area of interest or are already an experienced expert, you need to follow the advanced developments in your industry and have good competitive knowledge in related areas. As a result, this will give you a depth and breadth of knowledge that will attract people who turn to you for advice. By obtaining knowledge or resources that give access to knowledge, you will be able to achieve the influence that you will need in the future to achieve your goals. Analyze how others have become outstanding personalities in your area of interest. Think about what you should learn from them, and repeat the necessary steps.

No matter what industry you work in, there will always be people who are already recognized as experts in it, and most likely there are a lot of them. Turn to them for advice. The easiest way to get expert advice is to look into a bookstore or library. Just by reading or listening to books, I have been privileged to receive advice from Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Jack Welch, Tim Ferriss and countless other professionals without even meeting them in person. Allocating time to read journalistic books related to your industry and related business areas will allow you to be aware of all changes, make you more flexible and help you understand your niche well.

Small actions to achieve your goals should be performed daily, this will build for you the life that you draw in your imagination.

Not just one single action, but a series of daily disciplined actions will help you get to where you want.

Do this every day to develop a habit of constant self-development. In life, you either progress in your development, or you regress. You either become something more, or you lose something. You are either moving towards your goals, or away from them. Daily performing disciplined actions aimed at becoming a future successful yourself, you do yourself honor and root the habit of constant self-development within yourself.

Ask yourself several times a day: “Am I working for the benefit of my future right now?” Let the image of your future always stand before your eyes. Look at the world and change your actions in the context of what will be useful for your future.

When you determine the priority of your studies, based on what benefits they will bring you in the future, you will have clear judgments aimed at achieving your personal goals.

These judgments will help you to have a complete understanding of your actions and give you the opportunity to change them for the better.

Only you are responsible for working for the benefit of your ideal and whether you will become the person you strive for in the future. Today you are the result of many choices that you made yesterday and in all the previous days up to this moment. If today you have decided to do or not do something for the benefit of the ideal that you are striving to achieve in the future, then admit that it was your choice. You are free to choose who you will become. When you take full responsibility for your decisions and actions, you will give yourself the opportunity to grow and change. Then you can learn self-control. Then you can become your future self.


How to set a goal: 5 rules

The goal must be written

A verbally set goal is just a thought. Only written down on paper, a specific wording is a real commitment to yourself. The written formulation of the goal assumes the presence of some convenient tool to fix it.

The goal must be measurable

A measurable goal should contain as much detail as possible. It must specify the period during which you plan to achieve this goal. If the deadline for achieving the goal is not set, then you give the brain an installation: there is no hurry, and therefore it is not necessary to make every effort to achieve the goal either.

The goal should be divided into the maximum number of subtasks

This is especially true for global goals, which can take more than one year to achieve. A very good association on this issue was voiced by Gleb Arkhangelsky. He compared a big goal to an elephant, and the process of achieving a result is like eating an elephant. Eating an elephant whole seems like an impossible task, but if you divide the elephant into small pieces – “steaks”, and gradually eat them, then soon you will see that your impossible task is completed with many small steps.

The goal must be achievable

You should not set yourself impossible tasks – they greatly weaken the motivation on the way to the result. You should constantly see progress and realize that you are getting closer to your intended goal. Therefore, first of all, you need to evaluate your strength and decide what result is really achievable for you.

The goal should inspire

Even just the very wording that you will compose should make you want to make efforts to achieve a result. When you close your eyes and see yourself having achieved your goal, you should literally be filled with strength and inspiration. And remembering it early in the morning, when you don’t want to get up, you fly up from bed.

It is important to do

what is important

and what is not important

not to do

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Sports in life 99%
Skill development 90%
Communicating with people 85%


Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. (c) Albert Einstein

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Walt Disney
the founder of Disneyy
If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.
Mark Zuckerberg
entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies

Be the best version of yourself